What’s Happening @ Friendship?
This week we will continue our series on Jesus and Family, with a sermon on single and married paths. We hope to see you this Sunday at 9:00 and 10:45 as we Gather to Worship. We realize that some of you may be unable to attend in person. If that's you, we encourage you to watch the service online at 10:45 AM on our website, the YouTube channel, or Facebook page. If you'd like to listen to recent sermons in podcast form, you now can find our Friendship Sermon Podcast on your favorite podcast platform. As always, you can worship God through Friendship by giving on our secure giving page online.
Take a moment to check out the announcements to see what's going on at Friendship.
Executive Pastor Candidate, Steve Doolittle, Meet and Greet
Steve Doolittle and his family will visit Friendship, on Sunday, February 23rd. He will be available between the 9:00 and 10:45 service, to meet him.
Then at noon we will have a luncheon (see details below), followed by a time to hear from Steve, and a Q & A, time.
Those attending the luncheon should sign up to bring a food item. Here is the link,
Friendships Executive Pastor Candidate Meet and Greet/Leadership Team Meeting Luncheon.
Please RSVP to Joan@fcbc.church, how many from your family will be attending.
Gather to Worship
FriendshipKIDS: This week, the children will learn how God guides His people. We are excited to offer remote check-in. If you have the SimpleChurchCRM app, you can check your children in when you are one mile from the church and then just pick up your badges as you walk in.
FriendshipYOUTH will meet on Sunday at 9am and then Youth Group on Wednesday.
Friendship YOUTH Group – Movie and Pizza Night @ Friendship. Friday, March 7th, 6-9pm.
Grow with Others
Marriage Conference: Saturday, March 1st – 8:30 am – 4:00pm at Friendship Community Baptist Church. Cost: Couples $75, and Individual: $40.
Growth Groups: Would you like to get connected with others in the church, while studying God’s Word together? Well, consider joining one of our many Growth Groups. Click here to find a group and connect with its leader.
Are you struggling to come to grips with a divorce or the loss of a loved one? We will begin hosting the next session of Divorce Care and Grief Share , which will take place on Wednesday's, from February 19th – May 7th, from 6-8pm. Stop by the info booth or email fcbc@fcbc.church for more info or to register.
Go and Serve
Mission Trip Opportunity to Peru – Church Construction June 13th – 21st and June 21st-28th- Serving in City of Trujillo.
Marriage Conference Volunteers – If you enjoy fellowship, fun, decorating, cooking, prepping food, and organizing, then this is for you. We need extra hands to help us prepare for our upcoming Marriage Conference. Here is when the fun is happening:
Thursday, February 20th – 9am -11am – Prepare welcome bags
Friday, February 28th – 9am – Noon – Prep food, decorating, and cooking
Saturday, March 1st
7:45 am – 10:45am – Welcome team, breakfast – set up/clean up, and replenish food.
10:45am – 1:45 – Serve lunch, replenish food and clean up
We welcome any time that you have to offer. To join in on the fun, contact Joan at, joan@fcbc.church.
It's packing season at our OCC Packing Center. Visit the Facebook Group to connect with Staci Sanborn and schedule a time to pack gospel opportunity boxes.
Upcoming Events
February 19th – Grief Share and Divorce Care begins
February 23rd – Executive Pastor Candidate Meet and Greet
Leadership Forum
February 27th – Blood Drive @FCBC
Saturday, March 1st – Marriage Conference
Friday, March 7th – Youth Group Movie and Pizza Night – 6-9PM
Sunday, March 16th – Members Meeting