Why did Jesus become human?

Hi there parents! The following blog is here to be used as a tool by you to help your kids grow in their faith while we can't be meeting weekly during this pandemic. Please feel free to use as much of it as you choose. Each week we will include songs, activity pages, the bible lesson video, memory verses and possibly a craft or 2. We pray this will help you if you are looking for ways to engage your kids spiritually. It is written in script form so you can read directly from it or change it up to suit your children. Start with these songs if you'd like: And then jump right in! Have fun! And remember, this does not need to be done in one sitting! Feel free to break it up over the course of the week. 

So let's get started. Let's begin with Blessings and Bummers. What have you seen the Lord doing in your lives during this time at home? What have your greatest blessings been? How about your biggest bummers? 


This week had some major bummers and also blessings for Jesus too! It started with his triumphant entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, definitely a blessing, then lead up to Good Friday (the day that Jesus died on the cross) Big time bummer for sure! But a blessing too right? It was a very sad day but we call it good because it was the day that Jesus took our place and died on the cross to pay for our sins. It was both very sad and very beautiful. I'd say that's a huge bummer and blessing all at the same time! Then the biggest blessing of all Jesus' resurrection from the dead! We're going to get to the Resurrection part of the Easter story soon but first let's ask our Big Picture Question! 

Why Did Jesus Become Human.jpg

Why did Jesus become human? Do you guys have any ideas? If you said to obey His Father's plan and rescue sinners you are correct!! God had a plan before he created the world. His plan always included sending Jesus, His own Son, to earth as a human. Jesus obeyed and became human so that He could perfectly understand our struggles and suffering that comes from sin and live the sinless life we all fail to live. Then He died on the cross for our sins and rose again to defeat death. That's how He rescued sinners! 


About three years before His death and resurrection Jesus was baptized and began His public ministry. Jesus obeyed God by being baptized, and God spoke from Heaven to say that Jesus is His Son and God is pleased with Him. Then the Holy Spirit rested on Jesus like a dove. Today, we're going to jump ahead a little bit to talk about exactly what God had planned! Let's find Matthew 26-28 in our Bibles and watch this! 

He is risen! For thousands of years Christians have used this phrase as a greeting and a way to declare the good news! When you hear a person say "He is risen," you can respond by saying "He is risen indeed!" Let's try that together I'll say the first part and then you respond with the second. "He is risen!" (encourage kids to respond, "He is risen indeed!" That was great!   

The crucifixion of Jesus and His resurrection on the third day make up the center of the one big story of the Bible. Ever since Adam and Eve chose to rebel against God and eat the fruit He commanded them not to eat, all of creation has been broken. People could no longer have a loving relationship with God without multiple sacrifices every year. For generations, it seemed as though evil might eventually win. When Jesus—the only perfect Person, who is God the Son—died, it looked like evil actually had won. But in a wonderful turn of events, God brought about the ultimate defeat of sin and death when Jesus’ heart began to beat and His lungs filled with fresh breath. Jesus was alive!

He is still alive today. He will never again die because His sacrifice for sin is perfect and complete. He took the punishment of God’s anger for sin on Himself. He died with it, taking it away from everyone who believes in Him. Then He rose from the dead without it. The sin stayed dead, but Jesus did not. Now we can live forever too. Jesus’ resurrection gives us hope for eternal life.


Bible Time: 

You may select a strong reader to read or read a few verses of your choosing from those chapters, such as Matthew 27:50-51; 28:5-6.

Ask the following questions. Lead your kids to discuss:

What did the religious leaders want to do with Jesus? (kill Him, Matt. 26:66)

What sign was hung above Jesus on the cross? (This is Jesus, King of the Jews, Matt 27:37)

Who saw Jesus raised from the dead? (Mary Magdalene, Peter and the disciples, and more than 500 other people; Matt. 28:1,16; 1 Cor. 15:5-8)

How can you know if you are saved? Guide kids to see it is not our feelings that save us, it is God’s grace given to us through faith. (Eph. 2:8-9) Help them understand that salvation comes to everyone who trusts in Jesus. (Rom. 10:9) Explain what is written in the Bible—we can know that we are saved, even if we don’t feel saved or do sometimes choose sin. (1 John 5:12-13)

Why is the resurrection so important? Discuss Jesus’ role as a substitute. Jesus died for our sins because He had no sin. If He had stayed dead, it would have meant His sacrifice wasn’t enough. Jesus’ resurrection ensures that we will live forever with God because it proved that sin is paid for completely.

What does it mean to have eternal life? Help kids understand that eternal life is more than just a place with God after we die. Point out that our new life begins as soon as we believe the truth about Jesus. We become new creatures. Our current lives reflect that change through loving obedience to Jesus, and we look to the future when Jesus will return and fix all that sin has broken.

Jesus’ resurrection gives us hope for eternal life. Eternal life isn’t just for some point in the future but begins right away as our lives change to glorify God.


Memory Verse Time! 


I know you will remember this one piece of cake! John the Baptist knew that Jesus is most important. John did not want his life to be about bringing glory to himself. He wanted to give all glory to Jesus, the only Person who deserves all glory! That’s why John said that he must decrease while Jesus must increase.


Let's Pray and thank God for all that He has done for us but mostly for sending His Son to pay for our sins on the cross so we can have a relationship with Him that starts now and lasts forever!     


Thanks for joining us! Give your kids an extra squeeze for me! God bless you all in the days ahead! Happy Easter! 


Is Jesus God or a Human?